Sunday, May 13, 2007

Words into Action : using wiki as a virtual newsroom

The Class is currently using the class wiki located at as a virtual newsroom.
Because of the class large size, we have five groups working on five stories in all
This time we are going to use the WIKI as our newsroom, to do this we have divided the class into five groups
ppbone - group one
ppbtwo - group two
ppbthree - group three
ppbfour - group four
ppbfive - group five

1. Select a leader from your groups that is each group should have a leader ( especially providing editorial role)
2. Select a recorder, that is each group should have the recorder( to record and summarise the work of your group and posted it to
3. Now have your first editorial meeting, basically select a story, the story can be relate to ICT journalism or ANY story of your choice
remember, the story should allow everybody to contribute to it
4. Go though the process of assignment, that is ask each of the group members to contribute portion of the story using the class wiki please find your group page and work at this space. The instructions of getting into wiki remembers the same.
5. Set the deadline for each person to contribute
6. After all the class members have contribute to the story using the wiki then the group leader editor, must undertake some quick edit
7. then the final story should be submitted to the whole class at plus a short report about how your group worked ( work of the recorder)
8. remember the essence of this task is to use WIKI as a virtual newsroom, so all the work must be done at our wiki that is contribution and quick edit

Enjoy this important group task and make us proud!

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